healthy eating

Homemade Electrolyte Drinks

After workouts and especially during hot Sun Valley summer months hydration becomes an important topic.  How are you refueling and rehydrating your body?  If you are suspicious of the neon-colored, sugar-loaded options (as you should) on the shelves there’s hope!  Whipping up a homemade electrolyte drink is super easy.

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that play a role in controlling heartbeat, balancing bodily fluids and sending electrical impulses to muscles in order to coordinate movement.  Sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, phosphate and calcium are the minerals your body relies on most.  If you lose electrolytes faster than you can replenish side effects can include muscle cramping or irregular heartbeat.  Don’t be that guy!  Oh and by the way, food does contain electrolytes too and many of us replenish naturally by drinking water and eating a meal after a rigorous workout.

Let's talk about replenishing your body with natural, whole ingredients without the use of those unnatural dyes and sweeteners. 

Coconut water is an excellent base for a homemade electrolyte drink.  Add your desired amount of water.  Then add 100% natural juice such as orange, lemon, lime, pomegranate or watermelon.  (Fresh squeezed is best!) Tea such as ginger, hibiscus or mint could be added here as an alternative to juice for flavor. Try a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.  Add a natural sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, or sugar-free monk fruit.  Add collagen powder, cream of tartar or other powders/minerals of your liking. Lastly, a pinch of salt. Stir and enjoy.

Happy experimenting!  Let us know what your favorite recipe ends up being!

Healthy Kitchen for a Healthy New Year

Over the past year and a half we have all been spending more time at home. For some it is more than we ever have in the past. The time has perhaps prompted us to minimize our belongings, organize our wardrobe or make our homes cozier. We think the kitchen is truly the heart of the home (perhaps we are a bit bias.) The kitchen table is a place where friends and families gather to share meals and have important conversations. We think the kitchen operates like the brain of the home. How does your kitchen feel? Is it a place you want to spend time nourishing your body and those of your loved ones? While the new year is still fresh and we are ready for change, it may be time to examine the elements of your kitchen, is it performing like it should?

Rasberrys 10 Elements for a Healthy Kitchen

  1. Light - natural light, task lighting, proper light for dining

  2. Air - temperature, flow of fresh air, plants for oxygen

  3. Color - wall color, countertop color, cabinet color, furniture colors

  4. Comfort - standing mats to stand on, inviting dining furniture

  5. Smell - essential oil diffuser, natural cleaning products, placement of trash

  6. Fresh - fresh fruits and vegetables are easily accessible

  7. Water - taste and accessibility

  8. Function - placement of most commonly used items

  9. Flow - meal prep is easy and inviting

  10. Style - the heart of your home reflects you

Healthy Immune System Tips

The season has just changed to fall. What a glorious time in the Wood River Valley. Here in Ketchum, ID, Stanley, ID and the surrounding area we see beautiful hues of yellow, orange and red. While fall may trick us into thinking summer will go on forever, winter is right around the corner. We love fall for the harvest season and of course wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables it provides. We also start to think about shifting our menu offerings to incorporate nature’s bounty. The autumn days will soon turn into cooler weather and eventually winter. Winter always means cold and flu season and this year there is even more of a reason to stay healthy. We are listing our recommeded top ways to keep your immune system healthy as we all head indoors and prepare for winter.

Rasberrys Healthy Immunity Tips:

  1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

  2. Drink ginger and tumeric in smoothies

  3. Eat lots of garlic

  4. Eat less meat products

  5. Drink water, water, water

  6. Eat hearty soups

  7. Drink less caffeine

  8. Exercise and yoga

  9. Take your vitamins

  10. Think positive

  11. Live gratitude and thankfulness