water for farmers

Be Water Wise

Conservation is one of our core beliefs as both individuals and as business owners. This summer we have decided to do our part by only serving water upon request to dine-in patrons. We will gladly pour our filtered water for those who intend to drink it. We hope this step will spur others to review their own household’s consumption.

10 Ways to conserve water for the farmers growing our food:

  1. Follow local landscape watering guidelines. In Ketchum, landscape watering is prohibited from 10 am to 5 pm, June 15th to September 1st.

  2. Practice xeroscaping at your home when planning landscaping. The City fo Sun Valley, Idaho has created a list of drought tolerant species.

  3. Install rain sensors on irrigation systems

  4. Plant a rain garden for catching storm water runoff from your roof, driveway and other hard surfaces

  5. Install a rain barrel for outdoor watering

  6. Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load

  7. Fix leaks

  8. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth and shaving

  9. Keep a bottle of drinking water in your refrigerator

  10. Use water efficient household appliances